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Friday, April 18, 2008

Momma Drama?

In some religions and countries there is the acceptance of a man taking more than one woman as his wife. This creates households with an abundance of children and more than one mother controlling a house. How do you feel about polygamy (having more than one spouse)? Current Event: Also what is your opinions on the Texas compound that has taken hundreds of children away?


Anonymous said...

I think that polygamy is disgusting and should not be allowed in any religion. Being married is a sacred joining of two people. Men being married to more the one women is not appropriate.

-Nadya Kaltsunas

Anonymous said...

I believe polygamy is something that is unnecessary in any religion. I don’t believe that any man should have more than one wife at a time. If the man can have more then one wife then I believe women should have the same right and should be able to marry more then one man. Polygamy causes too many issues in the home for the children of the one dad. It just shouldn’t be allowed.

Alicia Scanlan
Per D English

Jessica Nartowicz said...

In some cultures this is an acceptable practice and people should be respecting of other cultures practices. If someone was to do that in the US where that is not acceptable I wouldn’t be supportive of it. In the book, it is an accepted tradition and as long as there are no favorites and everyone is nice to each other then I think its okay.

Jessica Nartowicz

Lindsay said...

I think that polygamy is something that shouldn't be allowed. I feel that the problems it causes, epecially for the children, are too consequential. I do agree with Alcia though, that if it is allowed it should not be limited to just the men. I haven't heard much about the situation in Texas, but I think that the kids should not be punished because of the flaws and the choices of their parents. It is sad that they are being put in that situation and have been taken away from their family through no choice of their own.

Jeff Moore said...

Well as long as the wives agree I don't see what's wrong with it. Every person has to make their own choices in life, and if their choice is to be the third wife of a man then they should be able to do whatever they want. As long as the woman isn't forced to marry the man I don't see why there is a problem.

With the Texas issue I have heard there are concerns if the police actually had a reasonable cause to go in. The word in the press is that they cannot find the girl who the police said called from inside the compound. Do you think it's right that the men who ran this compound cannot be blamed because the evidence to their crime was found illegally?

Anonymous said...

In today’s society, I believe there is no justifiable reason to practice polygamy. In A Thousand Splendid Suns, the polygamist situation stemmed from Rasheed just wanting to have a new, younger wife. He took two wives just so that he could have one cook and care for him and the other wife was to bear children.

The raid on the Texas compound recently resulted in 416 children taken away; most of whom do not even know their birth mother. Many of those involved in the polygamist ranch never knew anything outside of their walls. In this respect they mirror Mariam who was under the complete control of Rasheed and was not permitted to leave the house unless accompanied by her husband and wearing the complete burqa. The physical and sexual abuse involved in A Thousand Splendid Suns was also present in the polygamy community in Texas.

Lauren Southworth

Anonymous said...

Polygamy is something that is accepted in other cultures, so I can't be someone to judge them. I feel that it's pretty gross though to be quite honest. It is not something I would ever have anything to do with. The situation in Texas is very strange...How does a 15 or 16 year old girl get forced into marrying a 59 yr old man...Come on Grandpa pick on someone your own age! Sick!


Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Nadya. Marriage is the love, connection, trust, and respect between two people. Sharing those feelings with more than one person isn't morally right. Along the lines of the Texas Ranch Raid, i agree that the children should have been taken out of the custody of the mothers and fathers. They need to see what the real world is like and not their imaginary world. Once they see what todays day and age have to offer they may never want to go back to how they were living.

Alyssa Ruta

Joe M. said...

In our culture marriage may be something sacred, but in cultures that accept polygamy they don't view it in the same manner. I can't say that I agree with polygamy, as it isn't something I would do, but I can't denounce it either as people have the right to practice it should they choose to do so.
People also talk about how if men are allowed to do it then they should allow women to as well, but the only things standing in the way of that are things like Afghani laws. The idea behind polygamy is taking multiple spouses, not multiple wives.
Polygamy would work the same way for woman as it does for men, so theres really no argument in that regard.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with polygamy. Marriage is the joining of two people in holy matrimony. When a person marries another person, he or she is devoted to that person, and when a person is married to more than one person, he or she cannot be completely devoted to that one person. Therefore, I disagree with polygamy, whether it is the man or the women who has more than one spouse. Regarding the Texas Compound, I think it is unfair for parents to conceal their children’s world. They should allow their children to view the outside world and all that it has to offer.

John Cunniff

Anonymous said...

I think that polygamy should be a legal right in the United States. Many religions worldwide have an accepted tradition of polygamy, and just because it is not a social norm in America, doesn't mean it shouldn't be accepted. Just like Christians are allowed to get married in their church, other religions, such as Islam, should be able to carry out their beleifs and marry many wives. And, polygamy isn't just for men who want many wives for no reason, it was traditionally used to re-populate within a specific religion.
I also think that everyone should be respectful and open-minded towards other religions. Everyone has their own beleifs, and should be able to have them. All of the religions throughout the world have different stances on marriage, and all should be given the same respect as 'traditional' Christian values.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I have many problems with the idea of polygamy. For one, it tends to be a corrupt practice, such as in 1000SS. To take one wife and make babies only to take a second wife, a younger wife compared to your now aged first wife, to make babies with, so on and so forth. Also, the right should be mutual, but that would cause problems within itself. If someone has numerous wives, who have numerous husbands, who have numerous wives, etc, etc, this implies many, many children with many, complications in life. A child should not be brought into the world to face a life so so unconventional, basically effed up, because the damage it can cause is...really bad.
However, I cannot condemn such a practice. Hypothetically, if the polygamy is consensual, then whatever. However, legal problems could arise dealing with taxes and stuff, but people should have the right nonetheless.
The idea is almost similar to gay marriage. People say it breaks tradition. People say it contradicts the very institution of marriage. People say the children will have effed up lives. Fine. Whatever. But you can't deny people the right. In the same way, I am forced to not be against polygamy.

Jessica Nartowicz said...

Alicia, I agree with what you said. Where polygamy is legal, women should be allowed to have more that one husband if men are allowed to have more than one wife. That would be even more confusing to children.

Lindsay said...

I definitely don't think its right that the men in the compound can't be blamed for what they did, even if the evidence was found illegally. However it does look suspicious that they can’t find the girl who made the call, that doesn’t mean she didn’t exist. There are many reasons why she would not want to be found or publicized, but simply wanted to bring justice and help to her compound. On the other hand, if there really was no girl it doesn’t change what was found. So I think that whether there was a girl or not, it shouldn’t matter in the punishment of the people in the compound, however the police should be reprimanded if it turns out that there was never a call from a girl.